The Friendship Ball
The Friendship Ball has become a fun way to keep in contact with my long-time friend, Gigi Vranian. We began exchanging TheFriendship Ball in 1997 and have continued to send it back and forth to each other at least 3 times per year.
Since Gigi is a very accomplished watercolorist in her own right, we decided to paint each other a picture of The Friendship Ball for our Christmas, 2008 exchange. That began a meaningful and unique way for two friends to share their art. We have put together an album (Treasury of the Silver Sisterhood) which holds our paintings of The Friendship Ball. Each of us adds a new painting to the album at least once a year, sends it to the other, and anxiously awaits the return of the album to see the newest version of The Friendship Ball!
Since Gigi is a very accomplished watercolorist in her own right, we decided to paint each other a picture of The Friendship Ball for our Christmas, 2008 exchange. That began a meaningful and unique way for two friends to share their art. We have put together an album (Treasury of the Silver Sisterhood) which holds our paintings of The Friendship Ball. Each of us adds a new painting to the album at least once a year, sends it to the other, and anxiously awaits the return of the album to see the newest version of The Friendship Ball!
These are the original paintings of the Friendship Ball exchanged in 2008.
Emily's version Gigi's version
"Treasury of the Silver Sisterhood"
View more of Gigi's paintings at